Mission Made Possible
08.11.20 |
Interview: Bridge Builders: Awareness to Action, A DEI Discussion with Victoria, Simi, and ShannonAUGUST 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM, A Facebook Premier. CEO Shannon Rohrer-Phillips interviews her distinguished guest panelist on the problem of racism, its impact, and ways to facilitate improved race relations.
07.30.20 |
Speaker: The Need & Importance of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Nonprofit OrganizationsJUNE 30, 2020 @ 12 PM VIA ZOOM Our nation is in a state of flux with pressing issues impacting the health and well-being of our residents. A succession of recent tragic events attracted the attention of the country, highlighting the insidious perseverance of racism and inequality.
06.14.20 |
Interview: Empowering Voices – Disparate Health Access Fosters Traumas In Black CommunitiesJUNE 14, 2020 Ms. Kasdan talks with ABC-7 host Renee Gilmore about how limited healthcare access and affordability are race-related disparities that have a significant toll on the mental, physical, and overall well-being of Black people in America.
02.20.20 |
Speaker: Women Leaders in Health & Medicine: Improving the PrognosisFEBRUARY 20, 2020 Session features Jennifer Bencie, Victoria Kasdan, Alicia Craig-Rodriguez, and Panel Moderator, Mary Braxton-Joseph.
02.11.20 |
Interview: Suncoast FYI Talk ShowFEBRUARY 11, 2020 Listening to Women with OLLI at Ringling College Suncoast FYI is a talk show providing its viewers with information on local businesses, organizations and events in Sarasota and Manatee counties.
01.03.20 |
Interview: Women in Business Interview with Dr. Gayle CarsonJANUARY 3, 2020 Victoria talks about why she didn’t follow a traditional nursing track, and how she’s dealt with challenges associated with race and gender in her field.
10.04.19 |
Graduate: Gulf Coast Community Foundation-Board Institute & Leadership CircleOCTOBER 4, 2019 The Gulf Coast Board Institute provides high-level board governance training to new and veteran nonprofit board members in the Gulf Coast region.